F45 Thao Dien

Address: 9A Ngo Quang Huy, Thao Dien Ward, HCMC

Business: Fitness Studio

Value: $40.000

Year of completion: 2022

Scope Of Work:

Construction Drawings

Construction Approval from Building Management

Construction Management

Timeline & Budget Management

Furniture & Equipment Sourcing and Installation

Lighting Improvement Solution and Installation



Connecty prides itself on maintaining professional standards, transparency and being trustworthy and I’ve witnessed each of these with this first F45 project. And throughout the entire process, from removal/demolition to laying the foundations to installing the equipment (including tech), it was all hassle and headache-free thanks to the Connecty team. They’re an extremely hard-working team, I know this because they answer my emails and texts at ungodly hours. They did not require to be micro-managed and if there were any issues, they’d present it to me with at least two solutions.
— Wendy - F45 Thao Dien Owner